The Best Exercise And Food: A Guide To Gain Lean Muscles

A Dream of Many, just like you - Lean Muscle Body!

NO no! It is not an overnight task. A good-shaped muscle body is a result of days of hard work and a controlled diet. From the food you eat to the duration and types of workouts to the frequency, everything significantly affects your ability to gain lean body muscle. 

If you are looking to bulk up? Easy! Lift weights, eat more, and do it again. But if you're after lean muscle for a ripped, muscular look, you'll need a detailed plan. A plan that consists of proper sets of meals and a daily routine of exercises. 

Tips For Gaining Lean Muscle

Gaining muscle isn't just about piling on weights and doing lots of squats. Many guys find it hard to build muscle because it's not just about lifting heavy; it's also about getting enough sleep, eating right, and training smart, not just hard. Here are some tips from experts to help you gain muscle.

Challenge Yourself

Hitting the gym twice a week is okay to maintain the muscle body you already have. But, if you want a lean-muscle body look, challenge yourself. Work out heavily, lift heavy loads, and increase your training frequency. Set your form and week’s chart for the exercise. Heavy training efficiently and safely has many benefits.

Note: However, it's essential not to compromise your form by adding more weight to the barbell. Ignoring proper form can cause injuries, which can set you back in your progress. Once you've mastered your form, then you can focus on adding weight to challenge your muscles and make them grow.

Utilise Proper Reps/Sets

Yes, doing sets of 8 to 12 reps is great for building muscle, but your body needs to be challenged to grow. Instead of doing the same rep range all the time, try doing lower-rep strength training for four weeks and higher-rep (20 to 30 reps) strength endurance training for another block. Mixing it up like this can help your muscles grow better.

Focus on Recovery

Your workouts at the gym help you get stronger, but it's what you do outside the gym that really helps your muscles recover and grow. You have to make sure you are programming the rest of the days between your training. Besides eating right, make sure to get enough sleep (around 8-9 hours every night) and minimise stress from outside sources. Busy around doesn't let you sleep for 8 hours, but make sure you get at least 6 hours of sound sleep.  These factors play a big role in how your body changes and improves.

Eat Right

You might have heard how much protein is important for building muscles. Protein is essential for building muscles as it provides the building blocks for muscle tissue. Without enough protein, your efforts in the gym may not yield the results you want. 

Aim to consume at least 1.6 to 2 grams of protein per kilogram of your body weight, as suggested by a significant study in the Journal of Applied Physiology. This is about the maximum amount your body can utilise in a day. Include protein-rich foods like chicken, turkey, eggs, edamame, and peas in your meals. If you're still falling short, consider adding a high-quality protein powder to your smoothies or mixing it with low-fat milk for a snack. 

What To Eat To Gain Lean Muscle?

As you know, protein is a must to build muscles, but it is not enough. You’ll want a balanced diet and a good exercise plan for best results. To build muscle effectively, focus on foods that are rich in protein and low in saturated fat. However, don't neglect carbohydrates and healthy fats, as they also play important roles in muscle growth and overall health. Here are some very good options you must check:

Best sources of protein

1. Milk

Protein: 8g per 1 cup serving

Milk is a rich source of protein, containing both whey and casein proteins, which are essential for muscle repair and growth. It also provides essential nutrients like calcium and vitamin D, which are important for bone health.

2. Yoghurt

Protein: 10g per 170 grams serving

Yoghurt is packed with protein and probiotics, which can aid in digestion and nutrient absorption. Opt for Greek yoghurt for even higher protein content and fewer carbs.

3. Cottage Cheese

Protein: 14g per ½ cup serving

Cottage cheese is a low-fat dairy product that is rich in casein protein, making it a great choice for a slow-digesting protein source that can help maintain muscle mass.

4. Beans

Protein: 7-10g per ½ cup serving (varies by type)

Beans are an excellent plant-based protein source that also provides fibre and complex carbohydrates for sustained energy levels.

5. Chicken Breast

Protein: 24g per 85 grams serving

Chicken breast is a lean protein source that is low in fat and high in protein, making it an ideal choice for building lean muscle.

6. Tofu

Protein: 10g per 85 grams serving

Tofu is a versatile plant-based protein that is rich in all essential amino acids, making it a complete protein source for vegetarians and vegans.

7. Turkey Breast

Protein: 24g per 85 grams serving

Similar to chicken breast, turkey breast is a lean protein option that is low in fat and high in protein, making it beneficial for muscle building.

8. Chickpeas

Protein: 7g per ½ cup serving

Chickpeas, also known as garbanzo beans, are a good source of plant-based protein and fibre, making them a filling and nutritious addition to meals.

9. Eggs

Protein: 6g per large egg

Eggs are a complete protein source that also provides essential nutrients like vitamins A, D, and B12, as well as choline, which is important for brain health.

10. Quinoa

Protein: 8g per 1 cup serving (cooked)

Quinoa is a gluten-free grain that is high in protein and contains all nine essential amino acids, making it a complete protein source.

11. Almonds

Protein: 6g per ¼ cup serving

Almonds are a nutrient-dense snack that provides protein, healthy fats, and fibre, making them a satisfying option for muscle-building diets.

What Are The Few Best Exercises for Building Lean Muscle?

Exercise daily to your heart out; is this enough to build muscle? No, you must do the hard work in the right direction, which means with the right exercises in the right amount. Focus on exercises that work for multiple muscle groups at once. You can do this by including multi-joint movements in your workout routine, which engage several muscles simultaneously.

GYM Exercises

1. Push-ups

Why: Push-ups are a classic bodyweight exercise that targets the chest, shoulders, triceps, and core. They can be modified to suit various fitness levels and require no equipment, making them accessible to everyone.

How to do it: Start in a plank position with your hands slightly wider than shoulder-width apart. Lower your body until your chest nearly touches the ground, then push back up to the starting position.

How to train it: To increase the challenge, you can elevate your feet on a bench or add resistance by wearing a weighted vest. Aim for 3 sets of 10-15 repetitions.

2. Goblet Squat

Why: Goblet squats are effective for building lower body strength and muscle mass. They target the quadriceps, hamstrings, glutes, and core while also improving mobility and stability.

How to do it: Hold a kettlebell or dumbbell at chest height with both hands. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, then lower your body by bending your knees and pushing your hips back. Keep your chest up and back straight. Return to the starting position by pushing through your heels.

How to train it: Increase the weight gradually as you get stronger. Perform 3 sets of 8-12 repetitions with a challenging weight.

3. Reverse Lunges

Why: Reverse lunges are a unilateral exercise that helps to improve balance, coordination, and leg strength. They target the quadriceps, hamstrings, glutes, and calves.

How to do it: Stand tall with your feet together. Step backward with one leg and lower your body until both knees are bent at a 90-degree angle. Push through the front heel to return to the starting position.

How to train it: Hold dumbbells in each hand to increase resistance. Perform 3 sets of 10-12 repetitions on each leg.

4. Chin-ups

Why: Chin-ups are a challenging upper-body exercise that primarily targets the back, biceps, and forearms. They also engage the core muscles for stability.

How to do it: Grab a pull-up bar with an underhand grip (palms facing you) and hang with your arms fully extended. Pull yourself up until your chin is above the bar, then lower yourself back down with control.

How to train it: If you struggle with chin-ups, start with assisted variations using a resistance band or a chin-up machine. Aim for 3 sets of 6-10 repetitions. 

5. Deadlift

Why: Deadlifts are a compound exercise that works for multiple muscle groups simultaneously, including the back, glutes, hamstrings, and core. They are excellent for building overall strength and muscle mass.

How to do it: Stand with your feet hip-width apart and a barbell in front of you. Bend at the hips and knees to grip the barbell with an overhand grip. Keep your back straight as you lift the barbell by extending your hips and knees until you are standing upright. Lower the barbell back to the ground with control.

How to train it: Start with light weights to master the form before gradually increasing the load. Perform 3 sets of 6-8 repetitions with proper form.

What Are The Advantages of Developing a Lean Muscle Body?

Muscle Strengthens Movement and Supports Joints

Muscles play a vital role in supporting the movement of joints. They can soak the impact of activities like jumping and running, which helps protect our joints from potential long-term damage. Strong muscles also help maintain the proper alignment of joints. Weak muscles may not be able to withstand strong forces, leading to fractures and injuries.

Enhanced Overall Health

Muscles use blood fatty acids and blood glucose as energy sources, which helps lower blood sugar levels. High blood sugar levels over time can lead to various health issues, such as an increased risk of stroke, heart disease, blood vessel damage, nerve damage, eye disease, and kidney problems.

Benefits of Lean Muscle

Improved Physical Appearance

Who doesn’t want to look fit and all-shaped? Developing lean muscle can also have aesthetic benefits. While this shouldn't be the sole motivator (Obviously), it's natural to want to achieve a certain physical appearance to feel good about oneself.

Pro Tips:

- CONSISTENCY, this is a task for some of us. Make a motive and a target and bind yourself to a time duration (healthily). Being consistent is very, very, very necessary to achieve, something you are working this hard. 

- A friendly piece of advice to all those
SUGAR LOVERS out there: Avoid it for the time being or limit consumption.

Ending it, If you are really willing to work hard and ready to eat healthy, jump on the journey of building a body you gonna love.
Kieran Birch believes that it is not all about outer strength; inner strength also plays a major part in this. Make up your mind, and he will help you throughout the journey.
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